Think Innovation, Think AC SmartData

We Empower Businesses with Bespoke Data Analytics and AI Solutions to Drive Smarter Decision-Making and Boost Operational Efficiency


Who We Are

We are a premier Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Research consultancy based in Australia. We go beyond the conventional consultancy model by adopting a proactive and hands-on approach, designing and implementing actionable AI solutions that effectively address the challenges of diverse industry verticals.

Our expertise enables organizations not just to adopt, but to actively integrate data analytics and AI into their operations, ensuring these implementations are responsible by adhering to established AI ethical frameworks and regulations.

We are more than just innovators; we are facilitators, committed to guiding companies through the adoption of these advanced technologies. Whether your organization is just starting to explore these technologies or is seeking to enhance its current capabilities, we are ready to support you as your AI partner.

By focusing on practical applications and real-business results, we ensure our clients are equipped to make informed decisions and achieve tangible improvements.

Our Expertise

With 25 years of experience in the data domain, we bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table. 

Our consulting services span the entire data lifecycle, starting with the formulation of a visionary strategy tailored to the unique contours of your business, through to the execution of bespoke data solutions that are aligned with your specific objectives.

We are dedicated to transforming complex data landscapes into streamlined, actionable insights that drive growth, efficiency, and competitive advantage for your business. Our methodology is structured to provide you with the most efficient and cost-effective strategies to navigate the complexities of data and AI challenges. By integrating cutting-edge technologies with industry-leading best practices, we ensure that your organization is not just equipped to meet the demands of today, but is also future-proofed for the innovations of tomorrow.

Our Services

At AC SmartData, we take pride in our comprehensive and holistic approach to data and AI consulting. Our core objective is to ensure that our clients are not just equipped with cutting-edge technological solutions but also benefit from responsible and effective strategies that add long-term, sustainable value to their business.

Our services are tailored to meet the distinct needs and challenges of each client. We focus on attention to detail when designing solutions that encompass a wide range of services.

A defining characteristic of our services is their scalability and flexibility, which enables us to effectively cater to a diverse client base. We are adept at serving clients of varying sizes and sectors, and at different stages of data strategy maturity.

Our commitment is to deliver not just solutions, but transformative strategies that elevate your business in the dynamic data and AI domain.

AC SmartData Joins Australia National AI Centre (NAIC)

AC SmartData is a proud member of the Australian National AI Centre and Responsible AI Network.